Final ranking

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1dream awayMads Vestergaardcmr.mt2
2The Dawn of the Spring Time RitualQBicalqbical - The Dawn of the Springtime Ritual.MT2
3Ace meMelticMeltic - Ace me.mt2
4Un cielo azulD-aLienCielo_azul.MT2
5Game OverMyztiQuemyz_game_over.mt2
6Space VoiceHeikoSpaceVoice.MT2
7Young, Cute...Hot!Daxx909 & AngelEyesDaxx909 & AngelEyes - Young, Cute...Hot!.mt2
8box luvinsainesaine - box luvin.mt2
9Memories of childhoodBasilWaRchildhood.MT2
10minitonicgustav anderssonminitonic.MT2
11Sleeping Beauty (10 min track)Jouni Airaksinensleepingbeauty.mt2