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Title:one floor
Genre:Electronic, House
Comment:Nice house, good house.
Size:4000 KB

QBical:   Bad

wow, oldskool house...

with cheesy vocal :D

Ok, the whole tune has good quality drums and loops. But I miss a kind of flow, certain groove.
All the ingredients are present but maby it's all aranged a bit poorly, for example the tamborine sample...
It's accents are on the beat, try shifting it to the after-beat and the whole tune takes a leap.

But that won't give a can do better rating.

The thing that made my neck-hairs stand up is the completly out-off tune synths. I don't know if you did this intentionaly, please don't do it again!
You can try tuning it in the instrument window, or by entering proper notes in the arranger.

Futhermore the whole tune is a bit boring, try spicing up the bassline a bit, maby creating a whole new line, one that realy adds a groovy flow. Now it's kinda flat...

Well, I always read posts on the forum where you rate yourself as a good producer.
Maybe you should raise your standarts a bit. ;)

But I think you can do better than this!


evrol:   Bad

Well, i liked it.

Maybe its not too every ones taste but its done in a way that fits old school house perfectly.

I admit that there isn`t a whole lot off rocket science to this track, but i would believe thats another triumph for em22, keeping it simple while still delivering.

The loops are not over messed with, added with the excelent use of the delay effect on the high end synths, they maybe detuned - but that is part of the old school style.

as i said - i like it for what it is, nothing special - but good one i've not heard before.

good sfuff - evrol.

D'mitri:   Bad

Cool. The problem I have with the piece is the bass sounds like it's in the wrong key.

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