"Inverted color (c) 2006 Copyright Nil Geisweiller" by A-LIN

Inverted color (c) 2006 Copyright Nil Geisweiller

by A-LIN

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 Ogg Vorbis version

Originality: 6/10Technical: 7/10
Theme: 7/10Quality: 7/10
Arrangement: 4/10Global: 6/10

Genre: 80's electro
Very short. Transparent production. Drums are quite boring and not very suitable. Nice consequent variations throughout the song. A main structure is missing, possibly due to the shorth length. The main melody is nice, but nothing special.
Originality: 6/10Technical: 5/10
Theme: 6/10Quality: 5/10
Arrangement: 5/10Global: 5/10

Inverted color is a nice ambient kinda piece by Nil Geisweiller or A-Lin...

The spacy pads are realy good, nice job on those! But I think it's to bad that you used the cheapest brass sound there is to get out of a synth in the track, it realy washes off that nice feeling I had with the pads.

But the arrangement is good and the track flows nicely, it's just that some of the instrument sounds just don't go well together, try to work on that and you'll be alright!

Originality: 5/10Technical: 4/10
Theme: 6/10Quality: 5/10
Arrangement: 3/10Global: 4/10

Well, on one hand a nice and calm track. On the other hand the somewhat simple background disturbs me. I do believe it's more or less the same pattern playing through the whole track. That perhaps wouldn't be so bad if the instruments were better. The thing that kills this track for me is the cheap sounding percussions (which sound as if they're comming from a Casio drum machine) and the too repetitive bassline. I know it's more variating than most basslines, but what makes it troubling is that it constantly hits notes that stand out from the rest of the track. The solo, allthough a nice addon, sounds a bit forced. Still, imo it was one of the better parts of the track. The background pad is nice also. It helps create a good atmosphere.
Mixwise the track does not use the stereofield all that well. Everything seems to be dead center, so a suggestion would be to spread things out by panning the drums for instance. Volume levels on the other hand are pretty well in balance.

In the end it's a good effort, but perhaps a bit too cheap sounding.
TNK / ATK project
Originality: 5/10Technical: 4/10
Theme: 3/10Quality: 3/10
Arrangement: 4/10Global: 3/10

Originality: 5/10
Theme: 3/10
Arrangement: 4/10
Technical: 4/10
Quality: 3/10
Global: 3/10

An almost all VST song. This one could have been nice... if it had had a real theme and a better sound.
No real originality, no real distinct theme, a very basic arrangement altough there are some subtle high pitched elements towards the end that make it a bit interesting, some nice but not original synths...

I don't have much more to say about that entry which is quite boring to my ears. Atleast it does not take too much CPU...

My hint for this composer : Work on the following issues :
- Acheive a more professionnal sound.
- Focus much more on the melodic aspects of your song. Except for some very special styles, the theme makes it all...

Also something that I'll probably copy-paste 3 billion times within this reviewing process : NAME YOUR TRACKS ! This would give your audiance and us judges a better view of how your track is built, will help newbies to learn how to use MT and to beat you in next year's compo :)

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