VST Plugins
 VST Plugins

Showing plugins 1-2 (2 found)
 V-Station by Novation Rate it! Rate  Add a comment 

V-StationPlugin version of the hardware K-Station. Capable of making great leads, pads, arps, basses, strings, brasses and organs. It's knob friendly and has a lot of them too.

Price: €149.00
Difficulty: medium CPU: medium 
 Bass-Station by Novation Rate it! Rate  Add a comment 

Bass-StationBass Station re-invents the classic sound of analogue and provides you with all the prerequisite building blocks of the sound generation process. With total control.

• Two Oscillators that have been carefully modelled to preserve the precise tonal character of the classic sawtooth and square waveforms of the original instruments.

Price: €139.00
Difficulty: medium CPU: medium 
Showing plugins 1-2 (2 found)

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