MicroDicer is our new PC VSTi beatslicer,. In MicroDicer we have tried to create simple, easy to use and inexpensive slicing program.
With MicroDicer you can drag a wav or rex/rex2 sample in, this will be automatically sliced and assigned to midi notes. You can then drag from MicroDicer into your host and the midi settings for the slices will be automatically exported into your host. Below are some example of MicroDicer in action.
Main Features of MicroDicer
- you can use 16/24 bit mono & stereo .wav and Propellerhead's Rex 1 & 2 format samples. You can drag and drop these files from other applications or alternatively you can use the file loading system, where you can preview them before you load them in (for rex files these can be played back in sync with the host tempo)
- you can splits samples into as may 128 different slices , samples can be sliced using automatic beat detection, into equal parts or at a set number of beats
- automatic splitting of slices and mapping of these to notes when you load in a sample
- each midi note can trigger any slices, with each triggered slice having it's own pitch, volume, panning, choke group, output channel and playback mode .
- one to four output channels
- drag and drop of midi slice files into your host, these midi files can be set so they are a set number of bars long or at a set tempo.
- ability to save each slice as seperate waves or selected slices as one file, also you can drag and drop selected slices to other programs
- 3 playback keys, loop, rnd and sequence, where all the slices can be played in order by pressing a key, this playback is autosynced to the host 's tempo.
- very low cpu usage, and 8 preset slots
- MicroDicer gaphics were designed by E-Phonic, and is fully skinnable, several skins are supplied.
- full manual include Price: €30.00 Difficulty: medium CPU: medium |